Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A Quick Update

Yes, I have become swallowed up by busy-ness and I've neglected my poor little blog! Poor blog!

But I can tell you a lot has changed from my last post in September.

So here's the quick update:

1. We've moved.... PTL! We've left the 'swamp house" as my mother has dubbed it. It was haunted. Plain and simple. I KNOW it was haunted and no one will convince me otherwise. Maybe I'll make a post about that some other time.
2. Our photo business is finally getting it's much-needed foundation laid. I can't wait for it to be in full swing!
3. Baby can now walk! He's almost one year old... How one year has flown by, I'll never know.
4. Overall, I'm much happier now.It just seems so right to be at home with baby, working on a family business. My whole life I've always wondered what my purpose is. I tried to do the whole "professional" thing, with a 9-5 desk job...but my heart just wasn't in it. I know myself and that was just one of those crossroads/gut feeling things where I knew I was just made for a SAHM.

I promise not to let me little blog fall behind this bad!

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