Thursday, May 9, 2013

Throwback Thursday

Nothing says "throwback" for me quite like a good old boy band tune.... Especially this one....

I had the best childhood ever! 

Letters: Day 15 and 16

The next two letters are for the same people:

Day 15) The person you miss the most
Day 16) Someone that's not in your state/country

You 3 made me who I am and I love you! 

Letter Day 14: Someone you've drifted away from

It's been awhile since I've done one of my letters! 

Day 14: Someone you've drifted away from

Dear _______, 

I know why we drifted apart, and I know it's mostly my fault. But here's the truth.... I didn't let go soon enough. Yes, I thought we were awesome, but if you really liked me, you would've acted first. So I moved on and that's why we drifted apart. I don't regret it because I made the best decision of my life after that! So thanks for not making me all tied up! 

Thursday Morning inspiration

Waking up next to this guy is one of my favorite things ever! 

“Sometimes when you pick up your child you can feel the map of your own bones beneath your hands, or smell the scent of your skin in the nape of his neck. This is the most extraordinary thing about motherhood - finding a piece of yourself separate and apart that all the same you could not live without.” 

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Instant cheer

Just watch this and you will instantly be cheery.... Guaranteed to work!

Little helpers

Today my sweet baby decided that I needed help pushing the cart. We walked really slow, but it was nice to enjoy the store on his terms- what could have been merely just an "errand" became opportunity for him to explore and have fun. It's all about taking time to the roses - both the real ones and the metaphorical ones!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Lesson #7

Life is. It is the way it is. It is beautiful, messy, tangled, lovely, and glorious.

The Mommy List

I've become that mommy. You know the one. That one. The one who other moms say, "She's such a mom."  Oh well. I don't care. No, scratch that. I DO care. I'm proud of who I am and I wear my mommy badge proudly. It's been a long road to be able to do my dream job, which in fact is being a SAHM (stay at home mom). Most people say that it's old fashioned or impossible or impractical. But, it's so natural to me. I tried to do the 9-5 thing, but my heart wasn't in it. I've wanted this dream job of mine since I was a little girl watching princess movies and stuffing balloons under my shirt. So yeah, it's been a long time coming, and no, I'm not old-fashioned or lazy. It's just natural for me and the perfect job.

Like any job, though, you have to get seasoned by the job before you feel like you really know what you're doing. So I've made a "bucket list" of sorts - the "You know you're a mom when...." list. If nothing else, it should be hilarious for you.

This is going to be a gross list. A funny list. A true list. One pet-peeve I had when I was pregnant was when other mothers would sugar coat things. I don't want the "dolled-up story"; I want the cold hard truth...because let's face it, the truth is pretty much the best thing out there. 

The "I know I'm a Mom when...." List
1. Eat something that has previously been semi-chewed by said baby (I mean, where else is that half-eaten cookie going to go when Baby decides that he no longer wants it....and you're in church?)
2. I no longer need to hold my breath during poop diaper changes
3. I hate bugs.... and will go out of my way to have someone else kill them. But when a bug is on Baby, I don't hesitate a second to touch bug and save Baby.
4. I do not feel that Baby is properly suited up for the sun until there is so much suncreen on him that he is pasty white
5. I don't really mind that the all-night buffet is Baby's favorite restaurant ... I like the cuddles
6. A shower is a luxury...
7. A lingering meal is a luxury...
8. I can carry in the groceries, Baby, and diaper bag all in one trip
9. I enjoy grocery shopping
10. but that laundry thing however....

Oops, Baby's calling... guess that's all the Mommy time for today! :)

A Quick Update

Yes, I have become swallowed up by busy-ness and I've neglected my poor little blog! Poor blog!

But I can tell you a lot has changed from my last post in September.

So here's the quick update:

1. We've moved.... PTL! We've left the 'swamp house" as my mother has dubbed it. It was haunted. Plain and simple. I KNOW it was haunted and no one will convince me otherwise. Maybe I'll make a post about that some other time.
2. Our photo business is finally getting it's much-needed foundation laid. I can't wait for it to be in full swing!
3. Baby can now walk! He's almost one year old... How one year has flown by, I'll never know.
4. Overall, I'm much happier now.It just seems so right to be at home with baby, working on a family business. My whole life I've always wondered what my purpose is. I tried to do the whole "professional" thing, with a 9-5 desk job...but my heart just wasn't in it. I know myself and that was just one of those crossroads/gut feeling things where I knew I was just made for a SAHM.

I promise not to let me little blog fall behind this bad!