Thursday, December 16, 2010

Thursday Morning Inspiration

Finally, a well-deserved day off!

Tomorrow is the Christmas party at the preschool, so I need my rest today since tomorrow shall be pure insanity fueled by sugar and candy canes. ha!

Anyway, snow is continuing to fall more than usual for this time of year.  This is January snow levels and it isn't even Christmas yet.... and speaking of Christmas, Christmas is 9 days away!  I'm looking forward to my first Christmas together with my husband!

This is always a cozy time of year... the perfect time to be cuddled inside with a book and some hot chocolate.  Right now the sky is an ominous shade of blue gray, and I know there will be much more snow later today.  I don't know what it is, but this time of year always makes me more contemplative and philosophical.  Maybe it's because Christmas always generates thoughts of love and birth and innocence and salvation. 

Here is a song for your Thursday morning inspiration: 

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Another Milestone: Graduation

Today is Graduation Day! 

After countless papers, hundreds of thousands of words, countless books, two full-fledged (and one sorry attempt) all-nighters, and more finals than I care to remember, I am graduating with my degree in English Literature. 

I like to think that I am significantly wiser and more mature than when I first began this journey 4 and a half years ago.  So much has changed about me, about my life since then.  And in some bizarre way, the stories I have read and the papers I have written serve as a witness to my journey to who I am now.  I, of course, will continue to grow and mature, but it is an interesting phenomenon to see your life change through your own written words.

This is just another door opening up to Opportunity.

I say to my child, I will explain to you as much of life as I can, but you must remember that there is a part of life for which you are the explanation.  ~Robert Brault