Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I'm Back!! (From the Big Move)

Well, we are significantly into the month of September, and I'm just now writing....  That's okay though because everyone expects life to be chaotic after a big move.... The Big Move. 

I'm officially moved out of my parents' house (the beloved house of my childhood) and into my first home (technically, apartment) with my husband!!  Moving was everything I expected it to be: excitement, exhaustion, joy, and a whole lot of sweat.  

When I moved away to college, there was always a sense of "I'll be back soon."  But this move, was The Big Move.  This was permanent - a definite sign of growing up.  I always wondered what my first home would be like with my husband... and let me tell you, it's everything it's cracked up to be.  It may be small but its so "us." Our walls, our rooms were a blank canvas and we made it "us." 

Along the way, I've learned a few crucial things:

1. With a little bit of sweat you can do a lot.... oh, like move a thousand-pound couch down old wooden stairs and then up three flights of stairs. 
2. When you sort through your childhood room, you can find out a lot about who you are by what is hidden under your bed for 22 years :) 
3. There's a reason why people speak so highly of "elbow grease".... because it works! 
4. Spending the first night in your apartment is amazing...even if it means you eat breakfast using a cardboard box as a table. 
5. Only family would help you on a miserably hot day move boxes up three flights of stairs.... for that, I'm very grateful! 

I've still got a few pesky boxes to unpack but I suppose it will get done soon enough. 
For now, I'm just happy to have a cozy little nest that I like to call home :) 

"Home is where the heart is, and my heart is where you are."  - Relient K 

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