Love may be hard to define for some people, but surely you cannot miss the outward signs of it.
For me, some outward signs of love that I have been shown lately are little things like setting up the coffee pot for me so I have fresh coffee when I wake up, sitting up in bed so I can lean against you when I am sick, and making me a lunch when you yourself are getting ready for work, and offering to go to the store to buy me eye drops even though you were about to go to bed. These are simple things... in fact, they are so simple, you might not notice them if you aren't paying attention. In fact, some people might not say this is "love." But to those people, I would say "Do not take your love for granted. Be mindful of the small things."
If we are mindful in the small things, then we can be trusted with the big things (Luke 16: 1-12). Life is composed of all the small things added together... in fact, sometimes the smallest things teach us the biggest lessons. It's easy to become negligent in the small things, but when we are faithful in the small things, then I believe, our love shines forth even more.
So I say, my husband may not be fighting a dragon and battling for me in a jousting tournament, or taking me across the world in a private jet -- but I am willing to argue that his love shines more brightly than the sun through "the little things." It's easy for a rich man to drop 1K on some earrings.... but it takes more selflessness, more strength, more love to go out to the store for medicine when you don't feel like going. Simply put, love is in the little things.
I have never doubted his love. I grow more in love every day.
"Do little things with great love." - Mother Therese